Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Week 25

I can't believe how soon you boys will be here!  We are getting everything ready for you both.  We are still working in the nursery but it looks great!!!  We scheduled birthing classes, doctors appointments, photo shoots and much, much more.  
Your Uncle Michael came out to visit last week before your newest cousin is born.  It was tons of fun to show him Oregon.  Once you two arrive, we will figure out a way for you both to meet your 3 cousins.  
This week has been all about getting ready for your parent's last trip before you two make your appearances into this world.  

How far along? 24 weeks; 3 days! 

Materiny clothes? Always :) 

Stretch marks? Some minor ones appearing

Sleep? Sleeping seems to be getting harder. Mainly getting comfortable and not having heartburn is getting harder. 

Best moment this week? Spending time watching you two on ultrasound

Have you told Family and Friends? Everyone is extremely excited!  They cannot wait to meet you both. 

Movement? Perpetually.  Nothing seems to slow you two down

Food cravings? Pickles for every meal.  Also I am HUUUNGRY!!!

Anything making you sick? This week I started to notice smells bothering me.

Have you started to show yet? Umm...yes!

Gender prediction? We can't wait to meet you boys!

Labor Signs? None so far

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On and fits great!

Happy or Moody most of the time? The not sleeping is increasing the crabby :)

Weekly Wisdom? This piece of advice came back to bite your father this week....
Milestones? The nursery is almost ready for you boys. Right now it is very quiet....I'm guessing you boys will fix that issue quickly.  

24 weeks pregnant:
I never got a chance to get a photo with the 3 of us in it....