Monday, December 1, 2014

St. Croix: Mostly photos but better late than never

We took a family trip to the Caribbean to celebrate Dad and Barb's 10 year anniversary!  It was amazing! We all stayed in a rental house right on the beach on the East end of the island.  It was beautiful.  Each set of kids got to cook a dinner in the awesome kitchen.  All the food was fabulous.  

The house consisted of a main house with 3 bedrooms,  2.5 bathrooms, the main kitchen, and laundry.  The guest house had 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and a mini kitchen.  Between the 2 houses was the pool.  

 From our house we had a great view of Buck Island

Keep Calm and Run On

The company that I work for was selected to run in a race called Hood to Coast.  It is exactly what it sounds like...we are running from Mt. Hood to the Coast.

While I am very excited to take part in this race, I am very nervous about running fast enough (each person needs to average 9:30 minute pace), far enough (legs are between 3 and 8 miles long) and repeatedly (each person runs 3 legs).  In preparation I started using the app Couch to 5k but found 5k Runner to be a better app.  The program has me running for time not for distance.  I started with minute long runs and very long walks.  I am now running 3-4 minutes at a time and walking 1-2 minutes between.  I really like the program but am not sure how much  my pace is increasing.  I have noticed that my cardiovascular stamina has increased drastically.  My pace right now for running is approximately 9:30 minute mile but the average with the walking is around a 12 minute mile.  I have been getting frustrated by my pace.  It is a very good thing the race is not until next August....

 My hope is that by continuing to post (I am only in week 3 of running), each week my pace will increase as well as my cardiovascular stamina.  (The weight loss is just an added benefit :) I also need to be better about counting calories (damn white chocolate covered oreos) and logging calories.

More updates to come...

Side note: I am very happy to be running in Oregon where it rarely snows and the temperature for the most part stays above 32 :) The only down side is the canines and I do not love running when it is pouring rain !!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Oregon Summer

This summer has been incredible.  We have accomplished many things from our Oregon to do list!  We have enjoyed exploring the area on our time off.  Today we took the dogs to the Keizer Rapids Park.  It was fun to watch the girls play in the river for the first time.  Neither one of us was surprised by the outcome.  
Neither loved the resulting bath....

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I cannot believe graduation has already arrived.  I swear just yesterday I was a terrified first year who had no idea what was going on and knew no one in vet school!  Graduation was bitter sweet- We FiNaLLy did it!  But we also have to say goodbye and start again as first years on a new adventure.  The graduating class of 2014 is spreading from Oregon to Florida to Washington D.C.  While we have all accomplished so much, we still have so much left to learn and experience.  
I am soooo grateful to all my family for making the trip to see me graduate!  
Here is a video of me getting my hood!

Here are way too many graduation pictures!!!
P.S. Check out the SHOES!
Saying the Veterinarian's Oath