Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Week 27 update

Your dad and I took a trip for our anniversary and my birthday this week.  You boys enjoyed the trip or at least enjoyed bouncing around each night.  We visited Crater Lake, the Redwoods and Northern California.   It was a lot of fun!

How far along? 27 weeks!

Materiny clothes? Yes

Stretch marks? Still minor stretch marks. Using lotion as often as I can to try to prevent them.

Sleep? Still having trouble getting comfortable.  Getting some aches and pains.  

Best moment this week? Crater Lake!!

Not sure about the weird shadowing here...
Have you told Family and Friends? Your family cannot wait to meet you. Everyone is planning their trips out. 

Movement? Perpetually.  You two loved our trip!

Food cravings? No big cravings.  I still love pickles

Anything making you sick? Nope

Have you started to show yet? Very big!!

Gender prediction? We can't wait to meet you boys!

Labor Signs? None so far

Belly Button in or out? In.
 I'm hoping that it will stay that way

Wedding rings on or off? On and fits great!

Happy or Moody most of the time? Getting crabby from being tired all the time

Weekly Wisdom?When the sign says .75 mile easy hike...don't believe it. Long story but no lighthouse sighting and WAAAY more than 0.75 miles

I loved the Botanical Garden.  I had a lot of fun taking photos.  You boys slept through all of it :)

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