Monday, November 28, 2016

Week 36 + Nursery Pictures

How far along? 36 weeks

Materiny clothes? Yes!!!!

Stretch marks? Heck yes...twins.

Sleep? Not so much.  It sucks to have to pee every 2 hours.  

Trying the moby wrap! Too bad the dogs are so big...

Best moment this week? We finally finished the nursery!!  We are just so excited to meet you boys.  

Have you told Family and Friends? The family all has their trips out planned!

Movement? All the time especially at work 

Food cravings? Pickles

Anything making you sick? Nope

Have you started to show yet? Huge!

Gender prediction? Twin boys. Most likely fraternal

Labor Signs? None so far

Belly Button in or out? In and staying so far

how it all started!

Wedding rings on or off? Separated my wedding ring from my engagement ring.  The Engagement ring still fits!

Happy or Moody most of the time? Your poor father is dealing with a  crabby wife. 

Weekly Wisdom? The whole pregnancy will go by in a blink of the eye except the last month...that lasts 3 years.

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