Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Why it is only "Almost Spring"

Like I said, we were just kidding ourselves about spring. Here's the evidence it's not really spring (even though it's mid April)
Good thing we are moving so that I had totes to cover the flowers!!! Maybe THIS time will be our last snow fall ( I've been saying that for a month... One of these days I'm bound to be right)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Almost Spring

Here in Illinois, we are pretending that it is spring.  It still may snow so that's why we are only kidding ourselves that it is spring.  Yesterday it was 60 degrees for the first time in what seems like forever.  I was lucky enough to have an early day so Chris and I took the dogs to the sculpture park.  They loved it!  Ally whined with excitement for the entire first mile.  All the other dogs thought she was weird.  I told her to use her big dog voice but she happily continued to squeak.

We also decided that we needed some color to make the front of the house look Spring-y.  (Still pretending it's spring because the flowers have to come in every night….) They look beautiful and make me happy!

I still have up my "Valentine's Day" wreath but its so bright and happy I can't take it down!!!!!  

And of course, our motto…Keep Calm and Carry On :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Oregon Wish List

Places I want to visit, sites I want to see, and things I want to do in our new hometown!!!

1. Food Carts!!  I am VERY very food motivated (ok ok so food and Diet Dew motivated).  We went to the food carts on my first visit to Oregon.  The food was amazing!  Plus I love trying different food types and sharing with family and friends.  The food carts are the best way to accomplish this!!!!

So on a similar note, I really, really, really want to go back to the place where we found goat cheese truffles and eat them until I cannot possibly consume any more!!!!!  (I told you I was food motivated.)

2. Newport aquarium!!!  I love AqUaRiUmS!!!!!!!!! I am still a little sad that Rose and I did not get to stop here on our Oregon Coast Adventure. We saw soooo many billboards for the otters on our drive!  This is a must and will definitely be happening the first week we are living in Salem.
See?  How can you not stop???? (I think I might be in the right profession!)

P.S. while in Newport I would love to see the sea lions and the lighthouses! 

3. Tangled Purls- Knitting store in Salem. I cannot wait!!! I have mostly been crocheting recently but hopefully all the beautiful yarn and projects will inspire me!!

I also want to learn how to quilt!  Since the Quilting for Dummies book I have is too advanced, it may be a while before I actually make a quilt but I can't wait to try.

4. Powell's Books.  I know, I know, I know, I know, I have already been here multiple times.  But O-M-G I LoVe BOOKS!!!!!!  (Trust me the number of boxes that are labeled books is quite impressive)  I love that they have so many sections of books.  They not only have tons of romance books but also rows and rows of crafting and do-it-yourself kinds of books!!! I could happily spend a month in this store.  Bet my husband would be unhappy about that bill :)

5.  Beach! There was an amazing beach that Rose and I found somewhere near Pacific City that was beautiful, quiet and mostly empty.  I'd love to go back there! (but really any beach would be fabulous!!!!!)  It was amazing (cold since it was September) but really really beautiful views.

6. Mountains!  I'm not going to lie…I'd rather be on the beach any day of the week but since I plan to spend as much time there as possible, I feel as if I should mention the mountains.  My husband loves mountains!  I am excited to explore and hike with him.  We had a lot of fun with Jacquelyn and Juliana hiking in Silver Falls.  I think waterfalls will motivate me to hike!!!  I can't wait!

(Ok so we will probably start with smaller mountains).  

7. Whale watching! Gray whales migrate south in December- January and return north March-June.  I would LoVe to see whales!  But I'm pretty sure dramamine is in order first!

8. Seattle (So not in Oregon…I know but I still really want to visit!)  THere are so many things I want to do in Seattle!!  The Space Needle, Pike Place Fish Market  and OF COURSE THE AQUARIUM!!!!

9. Winery Tours!  Thus far in my wine drinker career, I only enjoy sweet wines.  I am hoping that visiting vineyards will help me to expand my wine taste buds and learn more about wine!

Look at all the wineries to visit!!!

10. Rose Garden in Portland.  This looks beautiful!

AND Again BeAuTiFuL!!!  I Can't Wait to Explore these gardens!!!  The colors of the Japanese Garden are incredible!  I look forward to seeing both gardens throughout the seasons!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

How Time Flies

It doesn't seem like that long ago that Chris and I were trying to move to Urbana so that I could start school.  It seems like we just finished looking at homes, packing and moving.  Now maybe it's the distance we are moving or maybe it's the amount of crap that we have acquired or maybe it's the process of selling our house but this move seems much more intense.
Chris and I took an opportunity to fly to Oregon a few weeks ago to look at houses and investigate some Salem neighborhoods.  We had a ton of fun exploring the area.  We found some neighborhoods we would be excited to live in! (Ok we also managed to go on some adventures!)

So far we haven't found the perfect house but we had an amazing trip!!!  I'm trying to be patient and not stress about finding a house. Not stressing is not my strong suit but luckily there is plenty of moving details to stress about!!! 
We finally got our house listed!  

The house is starting to look good! The next step is trying to plan more details of the move!