Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week 20

Your Grandma came out to visit this week!  We did not visit any Oregon landmarks....it was just a baby party! We had the Love's (Dan, Jacq, Juliana, Samuel, Jerry and Juanita) out for the 4th of July! Your dad made ribs on his grill (the second you can eat adult real food you will discover he is a grill master).  We went shopping for tons of baby decor and maternity clothes.  Dan and Jacq also gave us some new supplies like a pack and play and baby swing!  You two will love them!

How far along?  20 weeks; 3 days! 

Materiny clothes? I love shopping! So lots of new maternity clothing. I will have to do a blog post on the Stitch Fix maternity clothing that I have kept throughout the boxes.  

Stretch marks? None so far

Sleep? Finally seem to have beaten this cough (fingers and toes crossed)

Best moment this week? Hanging out with Grandma. She really wants to feel you two move!

Have you told Family and Friends?  Everyone is excited about our growing family. 

Movement? Tons!  Twins sure equals a lot of kicking!

Food cravings?   Ribs!

Anything making you sick? Nope!

Have you started to show yet? YES!

Sneak Peak of your room!

Under the Sea

Gender? Twin boys.  Now to finalize names....

Labor Signs? Nope. Phew!

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time? I am starting to feel big and getting some pain but I am so excited to meet you both!

Weekly Wisdom? 

Milestones? Getting to spend time with your Grandma!

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