Saturday, May 28, 2016

Week 10

How far along? 10 weeks!
Materiny clothes? Not needed yet!

Stretch marks? Not so far

Sleep? Sleeping more often

Best moment this week? Auntie Rose was out visiting and shopping for and talking about baby stuff with her was really fun.

Have you told Family and Friends? We haven't told our families yet!

Movement? Not yet.

Food cravings?  Pickles-typical right?

Anything making you sick? Turns out I am great at puking :) Morning sickness almost every night now. 

Have you started to show yet? Not yet.

Gender prediction? No but it sure is fun to guess. Two boys? Two girls? One of each?

Labor Signs? Hopefully not for a long while

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On 

Happy or Moody most of the time? Exhausted from the morning sickness :(

Weekly Wisdom? Pregnancy is the happiest excuse for feeling like crap

Milestones? Getting to share our secret with Auntie Rose!

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