Saturday, May 28, 2016

Week 4

Oh my gosh.  Today was an incredible day.  I took a pregnancy test this morning fully expecting it to be negative. I mean hey, lets be realistic the last 25 tests have been negative, why should this one be any different? It was one of those tests where there are lines and you have to interpret them.  There were two lines. One nice bold line and one very, very faint line. Now since I also took a pregnancy test on Sunday (today is Tuesday) that was negative, I was afraid to get too excited about the two lines.  What if it was a false positive? (I don't think those occur very often but hey I had just woken up).  So I thought to myself, Self: let's take another test before we get excited.  Only problem was I didn't have to pee anymore.  So plan B, go downstairs, act normal around Chris, and chug a lot of water while eating breakfast. Hardest part of the plan was acting normal part. Chris kept asking me are you ok? or what's up? Apparently I'm not so good at keeping secrets.  So after chugging 3 glasses of water, I decide to try again.  This time with a less cryptic test that says pregnant or not pregnant.  Pregnant. After 15 minutes of repeating Oh my gosh.  I decide I should probably tell Chris.  Hoping this day would happen at some point, I had ordered a New Dad 2015 (rookie dept.) shirt for Chris.  I told him that I had purchased a new shirt for him but I was nervous he wasn't going to like it. I asked him to try it on with his eyes closed. This is his face after he read it! He was so excited.

How far along? 4 weeks; 3 days! 

Materiny clothes? Not needed yet!

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep? I am exhausted all the time and therefore I am sleeping well.   keep having very vivid dreams.  They continue to be very odd. One night I dreamt that I was diabetic and another night I dreamt about a client of mine. 

Best moment this week? We found out today that we are expecting! Best moment ever! We have wanted this for a very long time. 

Have you told Family and Friends? Not yet! We plan to wait to tell family around week 8! 

Movement? Not yet; it's way too early

Food cravings? No specific cravings but I am HUUUNGRY!!!

Anything making you sick? Very minor nausea but no overt morning sickness yet.  

Have you started to show yet? Not showing yet

Gender prediction? No inclination either way yet.  I started looking at gender predictors. The Chinese Gender predictor says....Girl!

Labor Signs? Noooo. Wayyy too early!

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On and fits great!

Happy or Moody most of the time? We just found out that we are pregnant. I am so thrilled with the news!

Weekly Wisdom? When your wife is pregnant, do not eat the last of anything :)

Milestones? Finding out we are pregnant after trying for 7 months!  

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