Saturday, May 28, 2016

Week 10.5

This week we got to tell your Grandparents and your Aunts and Uncles about you!  We told your Grandparents over Skype.  The response was great! (see below pictures!)

How far along? 10 weeks; 4 days! 

Materiny clothes? Not yet but I've gotten some great options donated to us

Stretch marks? Not yet

Sleep? Sleeping is going better :)

Best moment this week? We told your Grandparents. It was priceless. 

Have you told Family and Friends? Yes!! Best faces ever!

Movement? Not yet.

Food cravings?   Not really

Anything making you sick? Still pretty nauseous and very motion sick!

Have you started to show yet? Not showing yet.

Gender prediction? No guesses yet!  

Labor Signs? No

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On 
Auntie Rose finding out we are pregnant!
Auntie Rose finding out there are two of you!

Happy or Moody most of the time? I've been pretty tired this week

Milestones? Telling the family!

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