Saturday, May 28, 2016

Week 7

So we had our first ultrasound this week and received some interesting news.  There are two of you!!!! We had joked about twins but we never really thought it was a possibility. After the ultrasound, we sat in the car staring at each other for 20 minutes unsure of how to proceed.  Wow! Twins! We are so blessed with twins and cannot wait to meet both of you!   Sorry about the lack of pictures- we were so shocked by the news the week got away from us.

So the debate is scary pumpkin or Cheshire Cat?

How far along? 7 weeks; 4 days! 
Materiny clothes? Not needed yet!

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep? Sleeping as much as possible and as long as possible

Best moment this week? Seriously?? TWINS!!!

Have you told Family and Friends? We shared our news of twins with a few close friends. 

Movement? Not yet.

Food cravings?   This week began the morning sickness period!  Too many to count food aversions! I am eating mostly crackers and cottage cheese.

Anything making you sick? I'm getting good at puking....

Have you started to show yet? Not showing yet.

Gender prediction? No, but then agains I also didn't know there were two babies so my predictions may not be that accurate.  

Labor Signs? Nope.

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On and fits great!

Happy or Moody most of the time? Very excited about twins but I find puking takes a lot more energy than I realized.

Weekly Wisdom? We made a wish and two came true.

Milestones? Seriously! There are two of you!

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