Saturday, May 28, 2016

Week 14

We had a second ultrasound appointment this week to look for early signs of genetic abnormalities. No abnormalities seen so far!  We watched one of you swallow and the other one kick your sibling in the face.  It was fun to see how much movement you two are capable of.  Your dad was very surprised with all that movement that I still cannot feel anyting--but not yet...I hope I will get to feel you two moving soon.  

How far along? 14 weeks; 6 days! 

Materiny clothes? Not needed yet!

Stretch marks? Not yet. Still trying to remember to use lotion to prevent them.

Sleep? The doctor recommended a sleep aid to help with nausea.  It is also helping us sleep like a log!! Loving it!

Best moment this week? Seeing you two move on ultrasound was incredible! Your Grandma and Grandpa Beesley came to visit this week! 

Have you told Family and Friends?  Everyone is excited about our growing family. This week we posted about you both on Facebook!

Movement? Not yet but soon I hope

Food cravings?   Pasta! I want anything with Pasta!! I also want anything we can't have, like blue cheese and sushi.

Anything making you sick? First week with no morning sickness!

Have you started to show yet? Hard to distinguish showing from food baby... A very minor baby bump noted this week.  

Gender prediction? Can't wait to find out! We scheduled our appointment for the 20 week ultrasound!!

Labor Signs? Nope. Phew!

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time? I am thrilled to be done puking! Feeling more excited about the pregnancy now that I can eat again!

Weekly Wisdom? Quote of the week: Can you get me some ice cream?

Milestones? Seeing you both move so much on ultrasound!

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