Saturday, May 28, 2016

Week 6

I went to our first doctor appointment this week. It was very exciting to learn more about what to expect and how to take care of you right now.  We scheduled an ultrasound for 1.5 weeks!  I cannot wait to see you.  Only 4 ish more weeks until we can see you with the ultrasound at work!!!  

Uncle Dan, Aunt Jacq, Cousin Juliana and Cousin Samuel are very excited to meet you! Although Cousin Samuel's response was harder to understand :) 

How far along? 6 weeks; 2 days! 
Materiny clothes? Not needed yet!

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep? I am waking up more often and not sleeping as deeply. 

Best moment this week? We had a doctor appointment  on Thursday. We are learning so much about you!

Have you told Family and Friends? We told a few close friends this week!  It was amazing to share our news.  Everyone is excited about our growing family. 

Movement? Not yet.

Food cravings?   Nothing specific but we have definitely experienced some food aversions. 

Anything making you sick? Still no morning sickness but I am very dizzy frequently.

Have you started to show yet? Not showing yet.

Gender prediction? No inclination either way yet.  

Labor Signs? Nope.

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On and fits great!

Happy or Moody most of the time? I am more emotional this week.  Still very excited but very over the dizziness.

Weekly Wisdom? That moment when all of your friends are dieting and exercising and you are just pregnant like "baby wants a cupcake."

Milestones? Telling a select few friends about you!

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